Modern Drummer

Jerry Gaskill of King’s X

Hi MD readers! Let’s start by saying 2012 started off great. In January, I flew to Nashville to begin working on my second solo record with my friend/collaborator/producer, D A Karkos.

Now let me backtrack just a bit. Near the end of 2011, my friend Ed Frost, whom I’ve known since he was born, invited me to a Philadelphia Eagles game. We started talking about the record I’d been trying to make, and he asked what it would take to do it. I told him, and he said, “I can do that!” However, on February 26, 2012, I died. I had a massive heart attack. I spent two weeks or so in an induced coma. As I lay there with tubes and things attached to me to keep me alive, I was living an entire other reality. (More on that at another time.) On March 23, 2012, I left the hospital and came home determined to be better than ever. I believe I’m well on my way to that, and in many ways have accomplished, and even surpassed, some of my goals.

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